AAIEI International Monthly Virtual Talk Event
AAIEI International Monthly Virtual Talk Event
AAIEI International Monthly Virtual Talk Event
Start Date:
Aug 8, 2021 7:30 PM
End Date:
Aug 9, 2021 0:00 AM
This is a virtual event. The link to join the event will be shared with you.

As the strength of a tree is dependent on the depth of its roots, in the same way, a person must develop to ensure their long-term growth. Higher levels of maturity need a deeper faith. When you don’t attempt to de-mystify everything in life, you’ll have a better time. You weren’t meant to do this or thing! You’re not here to reserve a spot in paradise or get a prestigious prize! You’ve come to be helpful for the pure pleasure of it: after all, the possibility is to be useless—to be utilized less. It occurs often in our everyday lives that even when we do all we can in life, nothing seems to be enough. So, do you believe the other option is to quit and accomplish everything and nothing in life? Even if you accomplish that, you will not be in harmony with yourself, since life is about being thrown between the contradictory demands of possessing and giving, and ultimately acquiring the maturity to find the middle road.

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